Theoretical Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Vlasta Bonačić-Koutecký |
Selected Publications |
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Department of Chemistry Brook-Taylor-Str. 2, 12489 Berlin Tel: ++49-30-2093 5579 Fax: ++49-30-2093 5573 e-mail: Homepage: |
Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology(ICAST) at the University of Split Mestrovićevo Šetalište 45, 21000 Split, Croatia Tel. ++385 21 555 602 Fax ++385 21 555 605 e-mail: Homepage: |
Curriculum Vitae
2010 | Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST) at the University of Split |
2006 | Fellowship of Japan Society for the promotion of Science |
2004 | Professeur invité CNRS, Lyon |
1999 | Miller Professor in "The Miller Institute for basic research in Science", University of California at Berkeley |
since 1994 | Professor of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
1982-1994 | Professor in Chemistry Department at the Freie Universität Berlin |
1979-1980 | Researcher at Gesamthochschule Wuppertal |
1977 | Habilitation in Theoretical Chemistry at the Freie Universität Berlin |
1973-1979 | Assistant Professor in Chemistry Department at the Freie Universität Berlin |
1971-1973 | Postdoctoral research at the Belfer Graduate School of Science, Yeshiva University, New York, USA |
1968-1971 | PhD work at Chemistry Department of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA |
1968 | Master Degree in Theoretical Chemistry, University of Zagreb |
1967 | Diploma in Physics at Natural Science Faculty, University of Zagreb |
Honors, awards and activities in the scientific community
2010 | Founder of the Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST) at the University of Split |
2009 | Honorary degree (Dr. h.c.) at the University Lyon 1, France |
2005-2010 | Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of BESSY (Synchrotron source in Berlin) |
2004-2009 | Coordinator of Research Training Group GRK 1025 "Fundamentals and functionality of size and interface controlled materials: spin- and optoelectronics" |
2003-2011 | Member of Medical Senate of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt- Universität for the Charité |
2001-2010 | Member of the collaborative research center Sfb 450 "Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photoinduced Reactions"; since 2008 Vice-Coordinator |
since 2001 | Member of "Center of Biophysics and Bioinformatics" of the Humboldt- University |
2001-2009 | Coordinator of International Humboldt Graduate School on "Structure, Function and Application of New Materials" |
1998-2007 | Member of Academic Senate of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
1996-1998 | Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences I of the Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin |
Referee of grant agencies (national and international); Co-Editor of Chemical Physics Letters and Journal of Physical Chemistry; Chair and/or member of the program committees of numerous international conferences. |
Major research areas
- Theoretical photochemistry and photophysics
- Chemistry and physics of metal clusters and cluster-biomolecule hybrids
- Quantum chemical adiabatic and nonadiabatic molecular dynamics "on the fly" in the frame of TDDFT
- Semiclassical dynamics
- Theory and methods for simulation of time-resolved spectroscopies
- Optimal control and laser selective photochemistry
- Development of cluster-based catalytic, optical and biosensing materials
Numerous cooperations with universities and research institutions in Germany and worldwide, in particular: Collaborative Research Center SFB 450 (FU Berlin), DFG Research Training groups 1025 (HU Berlin), International Humboldt Graduate School, DFG Research group 1153, DFG priority program 1391, DFG research unit FOR 1282, Tel Aviv University (Prof. J. Jortner, Humboldt awardee), University of Boulder (Prof. J. Michl, Humboldt awardee), Pennsylvania State University (Prof. A.W. Castleman Jr., Humboldt awardee), University of Milan (Prof. P. Fantucci, Humboldt awardee), University of Lyon (Prof. M. Broyer, Humboldt awardee, Dr. Philippe Dugourd), University of Ulm (Dr. Thorsten Bernhardt).
Funding ID
DFG priority program SPP 1391 "Ultrafast Nanooptics"
Application and elongation: July 2009-July 2015.
Title of the project: "Optimal control of light propagation and energy transfer in silver-cluster nanostructures at graphene"
Total funding amount: 200 000 Euro.
DFG research unit FOR 1282 "Controlling the electronic structure of semiconductor nanoparticles by doping
and hybrid formation"
Application and elongation: 2009-2015.
Title of the project: "Theoretical exploration of optical and electronic properties of metal cluster-carbon and silicon hybrids"
Total funding amount: 200 000 Euro.
DAAD PROCOPE French-German Exchange Programme
Application: 2010-2012
Title: Optical properties of metal cluster-protein hybrids
Total funding amount: 15 000 Euro
French-Croatian Projet de Laboratoire International Associé (LIA)
Application: 2010-2015
Title: Metal cluster sensors for biological aging
Total funding amount: 50 000 Euro
DAAD Croatian-German Exchange Programme
Application: 2013-2014
Title: Ruthenium catalysts for the purification of the feed gas for fuel cells; Ab initio and Monte Carlo
Total funding amount: 8500 Euro