Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Chemie

Institutskolloquium SoSe 2023


Sommersemester 2023

Die Vorträge finden -falls nicht anders vermerkt- jeweils ab 17:15 Uhr im Hörsaal 0’06 des Walter- Nernst-Hauses statt (Newtonstraße 14, 12489 Berlin).


19.04.2023 N-heterociclic carbenes as toolkits for the preparation of supramolecular assemblies and switchable catalysts Prof. Dr. Eduardo Peris
Institute of Advanced Materials, Universitat Jaume I
26.04.2023 “Young and Wild” Symposium: Junior researchers @IfC highlighting their work

O. Dumele: “Scaffolding Carbon-rich π-Systems”
C. Spedalieri: "Nanomaterials and biomolecules under the microscope, from proteins to living cells"
G. Graeber: "GraeberLab for Energy Research: Liquid alkali metals, hygroscopic hydrogels and freezing water droplets."
Z. Heiner: “Macromolecular interaction and folding at biointerfaces from in situ nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy”
Oliver Dumele, Cecilia Spedalieri, Gustav Graeber, Zsuzsanna Heiner
HU, Institut für Chemie

16:30 Uhr

"Super-Oxidized” Iron Nitrido & “Super-Reduced” Iron Nitrosyl Complexes in tris-Carbene Coordination Spheres – and How Iron Really Feels About it Prof. Dr. Karsten Meyer
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
10.5.2023 Surface enhanced Raman scattering quantification at ultra-low concentrations Prof. Dr. Alexandre Brolo
University of Victoria
17.05.2023 “Young and Wild” Symposium: Junior researchers @IfC highlighting their work

M. Kathan: "Inventing Molecular Machines to Explore New Chemical Space"
T. Lohmiller: "Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) as a Toolbox to Study Small Molecule Activation at Transition Metal Centers"
Y. Wang: “Atomically Precise Metal/Metal Oxo Clusters as Model Catalyst for Photocatalysis”
J. Abbenseth: "Small molecule activation enabled by main group compounds and transition metals ligated by redox-active pincer ligands"
Michael Kathan, Thomas Lohmiller, Yu Wang, Josh Abbenseth
HU, Institut für Chemie
24.05.2023 Synthesis and catalysis in single-crystals: The development of solid-state molecular organometallic chemistry Prof. Dr. Andrew Weller
University of York
14.06.2023 Aromaticity and (concealed) antiaromaticity in the design of organic functional materials: Theory, synthesis, and applications in battery electrodes Dr. Florian Glöcklhofer
Imperial College London
28.06.2023 Aller guten Dinge sind drei!”
Prof. Stefan Hecht, Ph.D.
HU, Institut für Chemie


Ab 16:30 Uhr findet im Raum 0´138 (Brook-Taylor-Straße 2, 12489 Berlin) eine Teerunde statt, welche die Möglichkeit zu einem persönlichen Gespräch mit den Referenten bietet.
Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen!

Archiv der Institutskolloquia