Institutskolloquium Sommersmester 2022
Sommersemester 2022
Die Vorträge finden - falls nicht anders vermerkt - jeweils ab 17:15 Uhr im Hörsaal 0’06 des Walter-Nernst-Hauses statt (Newtonstraße 14, 12489 Berlin).
27.04.2022 | Oscillatory Dynamics at Catalytically Active Interfaces Studied by Multi-Scale Operando Electron Microscop | Prof. Dr. Marc-Georg Willinger TU München |
11.05.2022 | Mechanistic Understanding of the Roles of Organic Additives for Copper Electrodeposition on the Molecular Level and Additive Design for Industrial Applications |
Dr. Ralf Schmidt Atotech |
24.06.2022 ab 15:00 Uhr |
Chemical aspects of making better batteries | Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Philipp Adelhelm |
24.06.2022 | Ultrafast Dynamics at the Boundary of Physics and Chemistry | Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Julia Stähler |
24.06.2022 | From Program Development to Applications: Quantum Chemistry of Complex Molecules | Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Michael Römelt |
05.07.2022 | Bio-inspired electrocatalytic water oxidation | Prof. Dr. Galiya Mayan Israel Institute of Technology |
13.07.2022 | Visualizing and Stabilizing Lithium Electrodeposition – Towards The “Holy Grail” Anode of Next-Generation Lithium Batteries |
Dr. Yaolin Xu Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) |
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