Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - SFB 1109

CRC Summer School 2016

Metal Oxides & Water: Nucleation, Reactivity, and Growth


The interaction of metal oxides and water controls a wide variety of processes in the environment, biology and engineered applications (including catalysis). Because of this ubiquity, and the fact that different applications are concerned with different aspects of this interaction, fundamental insight is dispersed among scientific disciplines ranging from coordination chemistry, to geochemistry, to chemical physics to process and chemical engineering. The goal of this Summer School is to bridge this gap: to bring both experts and students concerned with metal oxide/water interaction in each of these disciplines together with the goal of learning from each other and articulating a common scientific vision.

The school will feature lectures by leading experts in all fields of metal oxide synthesis, physical chemistry and engineering. Each lecture will emphasize the connections between these communities. Attendees will have an opportunity to present their current work in a poster session and will participate in a group exercise to define the future directions of metal oxide science. At the end of the school an optional tour of BESSY, the Berlin Synchrotron Radiation facility, will be offered for those interested.



Dr. Franziska Emmerling (BAM)
Dr. R. Kramer Campen (Fritz Haber Institute)
Dr. Ralph Kraehnert (TU Berlin)


Dates: August 22-25, 2016

Registration Deadline: July 21, 2016

Venue: Hotel Christophorus, Berlin, Germany


Flyer: click here

Hosted by the CRC 1109, additional support by
