Edith Flanigen Award
The Edith Flanigen Award 2018 is announced. This Award is conferred annually by the CRC 1109 to an exceptional female scientist at an early stage of her career (postdoctoral fellow, junior researcher) for outstanding results on metal oxide water systems. It is associated with a financial support of 15.000 Euro, one third of which represents a personal award, while the other two thirds are meant to enable research stays within the surroundings of the CRC thus establishing collaborative links.
The Edith Flanigen Award has been created in honour of Edith Flanigen, who performed groundbreaking work on molecular sieves (for instance she has significantly contributed to the development of zeolite Y and pioneered the IR spectroscopic analysis of zeolites) at a time when women were rarely found working in highly complex scientific careers.
All applications are to be received in electronical form no later than June 30, 2018.
Prof. Dr. Christian Limberg
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Chemie
Brook-Taylor-Straße 2
D-12489 Berlin