Invited Lectures - Joachim Sauer
Upcoming Invited Lectures
- Ab Initio Free Energy Simulations with Chemical Accuracy: Adsorption and Catalysis in Nanoporous Materials
Robert S. Mulliken Lecture, Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA, 19. 11. 2024. - Understanding and Improving Materials for Water Harvesting – MOFs
EurASc Symposium & Ceremony, Lisboa, Portugal, 29.-30.10.2024. - The research contributions of my doctoral students
Goldene Promotion, Institut für Chemie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin-Adlershof, 23.10.2024. - Effect of Fe substitution in Al3O4+ and Al8O12+ - a challenge for quantum chemistry
International COSY COST Action – 2nd Webinar, 18.09.2024.
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- Ab initio free Energy Simulations with Chemical Accuracy for Molecule – Surface Interactions
JFI Seminar, James Franck Institute, University of Chicago, USA, 07.11.2023. - Quantum Chemcial Predictions of Adsorption Structures and Isotherms for Small Molecules in MOFs
Plenary Lecture, 5th European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers, EUROMOF, Granada, Spain, 24.-27.09.2023. - Ab initio Predictions for Elementary Adsorption and Reaction Steps in Catalysis by Acidic Zeolites
George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon or Petroleum Chemistry in Honor of S. Ted Oyama, ACS National Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 13.-17.08.2023. - Adsorption on Metal Surfaces beyond Density Functional Theory
Symposium in Honor of Cynthia M. Friend, ACS National Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 13.-17.08.2023. - Ab initio Predictions for Elementary Adsorption and Reaction Steps in Heterogeneous Catalysis
UK Catalysis Hub Summer Conference, Harwell Campus, UK, 17.-18.07.2023. - Ab initio Prediction of Adsorption of Small Molecules in Zeolites and MOFs Compared to Experiment, 3rd International School on Porous Materials
Como, Italy, 19.-23.06.2023. - Transition metals in aluminium oxide gas phase clusters - a challenge for quantum chemistry
Institutsseminar, Institut für Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik, Universität Innsbruck, Österreich, 11.05.2023. - Molecule Surface Interactions with Quantum Mechanics. Zeolites and MOFs
Seminar in memoriam of Petr Nachtigall, Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 12.04.2023. - The interaction of water with solid surfaces: Zeolites, metal oxides, metal-organic frameworks
Award Address (ACS Award in Surface Chemistry sponsored by Procter & Gamble). ACS Spring Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 28.03.2023. - Transition metals in metal oxide gas phase clusters - a challenge for quantum chemistry
28th Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure and Dynamics at Dallas, Dallas/TX, USA, 17.-20.02.2023. - Water on Metal Oxide Surfaces: Quantum Chemical Studies Compared to Experiment
GRC Chemical Reactions at Surfaces, Il Ciocco, Tuscany, Italy, 12.-17.02.2023.
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- Ab Initio Free Energy Predictions with Chemical Accuracy: Adsorption and Catalysis in Nanoporous Materials
Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Charles University Prague, Oct. 26, 2022. - Ab Initio Free Energy Predictions with Chemical Accuracy: Adsorption and Catalysis in Nanoporous Materials
26th Solvay Conference on Chemistry, Brussels, Belgium, 17. - 19. 10. 2022. - Ab Initio Free Energy Predictions with Chemical Accuracy: Adsorption and Catalysis in Nanoporous Materials
Kavli ENSI Distinguished Lectureship in Nanoscience, UC Berkeley, 27. 09. 2022. - C-H bond activation by metal oxides - quantum chemistry, surface science, and gas phase clusters
ACS National Meeting "Surface Chemistry & Spectroscopy: A Symposium Inspired by the Research Contributions of Peter Stair", Chicago, USA, 21.-25.08.2022 - Ab initio calculations of free energies for molecule - surface interactions with chemical accuracy
Plenary lecture: 12th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists, Vancouver, Canada, 03.-08.07.2022 - Ab initio calculations beyond DFT for molecule - surface interactions
Molecular Quantum Mechanics 2022, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg Virginia, USA, 26.06.-01.07.2022 - Ab initio free energy simulations with chemical accuracy for molecule - surface interactions
Scientific Challenges in Materials Modelling, enabled by High End Computing, Royal Society, London, GB, 06.-07.06.2022 - Ab initio predictions for elementary adsorption and reaction steps in heterogeneous catalysis
Plenary lecture:54th Polish Annual Conference on Catalysis, Krakow, Poland, 01.-03.06.2022 - Next Generation Quantum Chemistry of Water in Acidic Zeolites
TYC Distinguished Speaker Symposium: Modelling Surfaces & Catalysis, UCL, London, UK, 30.03.2022 - Ab initio predictions for elementary adsorption and reaction steps in heterogeneous catalysis
ACS Meeting "Kinetic and Mechanistic Insights into Heterogeneous Catalysis", San Diego, California, USA, 20.-24.03.2022
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- QM:QM methods for chemical accuracy in catalysis and adsorption research
Pacifichem, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (virtual), 16.-21.12.2021 - Interaction of molecules with the surface of oxides, zeolites and MOFs: Close and weak coupling between Torino and Berlin
Dipartimento di Chimica, Università di Torino, Italy, 23.11.2021 - 1,2H in C-H activation by acidic zeolites and transition metal oxides
1,2,3H Colloquium, University of Leipzig, 08.11.2021 - Next generation quantum chemistry of water in acidic zeolites
Workshop on Water in Zeolites, Liblice Castle, Czech Republic, 19.-22.09.2021 - Ab initio predictions with chemical accuracy for heterogeneous catalysis and adsorption
ACS Meeting "Prominent Ideas in Quantum Chemistry", Atlanta, Georgia, USA (virtual), 22.-26.08.2021 - Predicting Adsorption Selectivities for Binary Mixtures of CO2 with CH4 and N2
International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (Virtual ICCDU2021), 21.07.2021
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- Catalytically active sites in zeolites - Quantum chemistry in concert with experiments
Seminar at the Department of Physics, Competence Centre for Catalysis, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Schweden, 11.12.2019 - Structure and reactivity of metal oxide surfaces and thin films - Synergy of quantum chemistry and experiment
GDCh-Kolloquium, Institut für Chemie neuer Materialien, Universität Osnabrück, 12.11.2019 - Structure and reactivity of metal oxide surfaces and thin films - Synergy of quantum chemistry and experiment
Hershel and Hilda Rich Visiting Professorship in Applied Research 2019, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 05.11.2019 - Ab initio free energy calculations for molecule-surface interactions: gas adsorption and separation in nanoporous materials
Hershel and Hilda Rich Visiting Professorship in Applied Research 2019, Technion, Haifa, Israel, 03.11.2019 - Structure and reactivity of two-dimensional silica and zeolites
E-MRS Fall Meeting 2019, University of Technology Warsaw, Poland, 16. - 19.09.2019. - Interaction of water molecules with zeolites - Ideal Bronsted sites and beyond
ACS Meeting "Understanding the Role of Water in Solid Acid-Base Catalysis", San Diego, USA, 28.08.2019. - DFT and beyond in catalysis research
18th International Conference on Density-Functional Theory and its Applications, Alicante, Spanien, 22. - 26.07.2019. - Structure and Reactivity of Thin Oxide Films: Silica and Ceria
International Symposium "Frontiers in Solid State Research", Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, 17. - 18.07.2019. - Ab initio Free Energy Calculations with Chemical Accuracy for Molecule-Surface Interactions
10th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics, Tromsø, Norwegen, 11. - 17.07.2019. - Laudatio for R. Ahlrichs: Large Molecules - Small Computers - Beautiful Minds
9th Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conference - MQM 2019, Heidelberg, 02.07.2019. - Structure and reactivity of metal oxide surfaces and thins films - Synergy of quantum chemistry and experiment
Göttinger Physikalisches Kolloquium, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 17.06.2019. - Katalytische C-H Aktivierung durch Metalloxide - Synergie von Quantenchemie und Experiment
GDCh-Kolloquium, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), 12.06.2019. - C-H bond activation by metal oxides - gas phase clusters compared to solid catalysts
Robert Grasselli Foundation: Irsee VIII Symposium, Kloster Irsee, 23. - 26.05.2019. - The metal oxide water interface - Quantum chemical studies compared to experiment
ACS Spring Meeting "ACS Award in surface chemistry: Symposium in honor of Hajo Freund", Orlando, USA 02.04.2019. - Computational Catalysis - Rigor and Relevance
ACS Spring Meeting "Gabor A. Somorjai Award for Creative Research in Catalysis", Orlando, USA 02.04.2019. - Ab initio prediction of proton exchange barriers for alkanes at brønsted sites of zeolite H-MFI
ACS Spring Meeting "Elucidation of Mechnisms & Kinetics on Surfaces", Orlando, USA 31.03.2019. - Atomistic understanding of supported transition metal oxide catalysts in dehydrogenation reactions
ACS Spring Meeting "Ipatieff Price: Symposium in Honor of Ive Hermans", Orlando, USA 31.03.2019. - Structure and reactivity of two-dimensional silica and zeolites
2019 American Physical Society March meeting, Boston/MA, 04 - 08.03.2019. - Ab initio free energy calculations for gas adsorption and separation in nanoporous systems
Seminar "Highlights in Energy Research", EPFL Valais Wallis, Sion/Switzerland, 14.02.2019.
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- Ab initio calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule - surface interactions and the performance of DFT+dispersion
26th Intern. Conf. on Current Trends in Comput. Chem. (CCTCC), Jackson/MS, USA, 08. - 10.11.2018. - Computational Catalysis – Relevance and Rigor
Minisymposium in honor of Rudolf Zahradník on the occasion of his 90th birthday, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prague, 26.10.2018. - Structure and Reactivity of Metal Oxide Gas Phase Clusters Compared to Solid Catalysts
Kolloquium zum 70. Geburtstag von Martin Quack, Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie, ETH-Zürich, 02.10. 2018. - The Standard Model of Computational Catalysis and Beyond
CP-Department Seminar, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Schloss Ringberg, Ringberg, 30.09. - 05.10.2018. - Computational Catalysis: The Standard Model and Beyond
Materials Design User Group Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, 18.-20.09.2018. - Ab initio quantum chemistry for understanding active site reactivity in zeolites
12th International Symposium on Heterogeneous Catalysis "Catalysis: a motor of economy", Sofia, Bulgaria, 26. - 29. 08. 2018. - Support effects in oxide catalysis - C-H bond activation by vanadia/ceria compared to vanadia/silica
"New Vistas in Heterogeneous Catalysis: Symposium in Honor of Robert Grasselli", ACS fall meeting, Boston, USA, 19. - 23. 08. 2018. - Computational Catalysis - Relevance and Rigor
International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis - ISHHC 18, Sydney, Australia, 22. - 25. 07. 2018. - Computational Catalysis - Relevance and Rigor
New Fellows Seminar, Royal Society, London, 11. - 13. 07. 2018. - Was machen die Atome bei der Katalyse?
Lecture on the occasion of receiving the honorary doctorship, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Senftenberg, 02. 07. 2018. - Structure and reactivity of metal oxide gas phase clusters compared to solid catalysts
Konferenz "Gas Phase Model Systems for Catalysis - GPMC 2018", Ulm, 18. - 20. 06. 2018. - Computational Catalysis – Rigor and Relevance
Symposium "Computational Catalysis for Sustainable Chemistry", Tarragona, Spain, 13. - 15. 06. 2018. - Band structures and periodic boundary conditions – A chemists view
Lecture, Chemical Theory Center University of Minnesota, 18.05.2018. - Ab initio free energy calculations for adsoption and reactions in nanoporous systems
30th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Chemists in Germany, Chinese German Chemical Association, Berlin, 20. - 21. 04. 2018. - Understanding Catalysis by Oxides - Theory and Experiment in Concert
Conference on Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, 50th anniversary of the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Krakow, Poland, March 22, 2018. - A New Mechanism for the Oxidative Coupling of Methane - Experiment and Theory in Concert
255th ACS Meeting, New Orleans/LA, USA, March 19, 2018. - Ab initio quantum chemistry for understanding active sites in zeolites
255th ACS Meeting, New Orleans/LA, USA, March 18, 2018. - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecules - surface interactions
Special Chemistry Seminar, Caltech, Pasadena, March 8, 2018. - Ab initio free energy calculations for adsorption and reactions in nanoporous systems
Seminar at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, 11. 01. 2018. - Structure and Reactivity of Metal Oxide Gas Phase Clusters Compared to Solid Catalysts
Seminar at the Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamiciam", Universita' di Bologna, Italy, 09. 01. 2018.
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- Ab initio free energies with chemical accuracy for gas adsorption and separation in metal-organic frameworks
Seminar at Chemical Theory Center of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, 07. 12. 2017. - Understanding Catalysis by Oxides - Theory and Experiment in Concert
Colloquium at the Romanian Catalysis Society, Centre of Catalysis and Catalystic Processes, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 09. 11. 2017. - Catalytically active sites in zeolites-quantum chemistry in concert with experiments
Seminar at BASF, Iselin, New Jersey, USA, 06. 11. 2017. - Speicherung, Separation und Aktivierung von Methan - Atomistisches Verständnis
Kolloquium an der Brandenburgischen-Technischen Universität, Cottbus-Senftenberg, 17. 10. 2017. - Computational Catalysis - Rigor and Relevance
Materials Design Users Goup Meeting 2017, Strasbourg, France, 19. - 21. 09. 2017. - Understanding Catalysis By Oxides - Theory and Experiment in Concert
EuropaCat 2017, Florence, Italy, 27. - 31. 08. 2017. - Activation of Small Molecules on Oxide Surfaces - Theory and Experiment together with H.-J. Freund, R. Horn, G. Meijer, M. Scheffler, R. Schlögl, H. Schwarz
Symposium "Unifying Concepts in Catalysis - Status Quo and Challenges", Berlin, 12. - 14. 07. 2017. - How do we know where the atoms are?
AvH Conference "Limits of Knowledge", Kraków, Poland, 22. - 25. 06. 2017. - Site heterogeneity - the example of zeolites
Workshop "The Theory and Practice of Catalysis", Telluride Science Research Center, Telluride, USA, 10. - 14. 06. 2017. - Ab initio quantum chemistry for understanding acid catalysis by zeolites
8th International Symposium on Acid-Base Catalysis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 07. - 10. 05. 2017. - Different C-H Bond Activation Mechanisms on Solid Oxide Catalysts
GDCh-Kolloquium Technische Universität Darmstadt, 02. 05. 2017. - Different C-H Bond Activation Mechanisms on Solid Oxide Catalysts
2017 Spring Symposium South West Catalysis Society, Houston University, Houston, USA, 28. 04. 2017. - Support effects in oxide catalysis - C-H bond activation by vanadia/ceria comared to vanadia/silica
Chemisty Colloquium, Houston University, Houston, USA, 27. 04. 2017. - Ab initio free energy calculations for adsorption and reactions in nanoporous systems
Department of Chemistry Seminar, Rice University, Houston, USA, 26. 04. 2017. - Ab initio free energy calculations for molecule-surface interactions
Suncat Seminar, Stanford University, Stanford, USA, 05. 04. 2017. - Computational Catalysis - Rigor and relevance
Catalytic materials from molecular insights, ACS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 02. - 06. 04. 2017. - Hydroxyl groups on metal oxide surfaces and clusters
International Symposium of the CRC 1109 "Metal Oxide - Water Systems", Erkner, 19. - 22. 02. 2017. - Ab initio simulation of adsorption and reactions in nanoporous systems
Charles University, Center of Advanced Materials, Prague, Czech Republic, 08. 02. 2017. - Oxygen Defects and the Reactivity of Ceria
33. Jahrestagung Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Oberflächen und Grenzflächen, Fribourg, Schweiz, 26. - 27. 01. 2017. - Alle Quantenchemie ist Problemlösen
Gedenkkolloquium für Reinhart Ahlrichs, Karlsruhe, 16. 01. 2017.
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- Computational Catalysis: Rigor and Relevance
24th Solvay Conference on Chemistry, Brussels, Belgium, 19. - 22. 10. 2016. - Different C-H Bond Activation Mechanisms on Solid Oxide Catalysts
Chemical Engineeting and Material Science Seminar, Universtiy of Minnesota, USA, 13. 10. 2016. - Different C-H Bond Activation Mechanisms on Solid Oxide Catalysts
CBE Seminar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 11. 10. 2016. - Support Effect in Oxide Catalysis: C-H Bond Activation on Vanadia/Ceria Compared to Vanadia/Silica
CSE-Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory, USA, 10. 10. 2016. - Ab initio studies on gas adsorption and separation by metal-organic frameworks
Ipatieff Lecture, CCSS Northwestern University, Evanston, USA, 04. 10. 2016. - Different C-H Bond Activation Mechanisms on Solid Oxide Catalysts
Physical Chemistry Seminar at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA, 30. 09. 2016. - Ab initio quantum chemistry for understanding acid catalysis by zeolites
UOP Research, Des Plaines, USA, 27. 09. 2016. - Thirty five years of ab initio studies for understanding zeolite catalysis
NRSC-Catalysis symposium "Mechanisms in heterogeneous catalysis", Heeze, Netherlands, 08. - 09. 09. 2016. - Thirty five years of ab initio studies for understanding zeolite catalysts
CP-Department Seminar, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Schloss Ringberg, 05. 09. 2016. - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule-surface interactions
Conference "Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry - TACC 2016", Seattle, USA, 28. 08. - 02. 09. 2016. - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule-surface interactions
16th International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Catalysis (ICTAC), Zakopane, Poland, 19. - 23. 06. 2016. - What has been expected from quantum chemistry for zeolite research and what has been achieved 35 years later?
Tagung "Materialforschung in Deutschland - Heute für morgen", Weinheim, 17. 06. 2016. - Different C-H Bond Activation Mechanisms on Solid Oxide Catalysts
70th anniversary National Institut of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 07. - 08. 06. 2016. - Die Aufklärung der atomaren Struktur komplexer oxidischer Festkörper - Zusammenwirken von Quantenchemie und Experiment
GDCh-Kolloquium im Ortsverband Augsburg, 30. 05. 2016. - Oxygen defects and the reactivity of ceria
International FOXSI Conference, Vienna, Austria, 23. - 25. 05. 2016. - Die Reaktivität von Ceroxid und dessen Rolle in Katalysatorsystemen
GDCh-Kolloquium am Physikalisch-Chemischen Institut der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 17. 05. 2016. - Support Effect in Oxide Catalysis:C-H Bond Activation on Vanadia/Ceria Compared to Vanadia/Silica
Francois Gault Lecture (Turkey) - 6th National Catalysis Conference, Bursa, Turkey, 27. - 30. 04. 2016. - Ab intio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule-surface interactions
9th Brazilian-German Workshop, Maresias, Brazil, 10. - 15. 04. 2016. - C-H bond activation by transition metal oxides. Atomistic understanding of support effects
Faraday Discussions, London, UK, 04. - 06. 04. 2016. - C-H bond activation by transition metal oxides. Atomistic understanding of support effects
Francois Gault Lecture (Turkey) - 49. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, 16. - 18. 03. 2016. - Oxidative coupling of methane: Active sites and mechanisms
Symposium "Catalytic Materials for Methande Conversion" at the 251st ACS Spring National Meeting, 13. - 17. 03. 2016. - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule - surface interactions
Symposium on Atomic Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP), Davos, Switzerland, 09. 02. 2016. - Adsoption und Aktivierung von Molekülen in Mikroporen - Zeolithe und metallorganische Gerüstverbindungen
GDCh-Kolloquium, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 04. 02. 2016 - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for large chemical systems
Kolloquium zur Theoretischen Chemie, Philipps Universität Marburg, 26. 01. 2016.
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- Speicherung, Separation und Aktivierung von Methan - Atomistisches Verständnis
GDCh-Kolloquium, Universität Potsdam, Insitut für Chemie, 07. 12. 2015. - Struktur und Reaktivität von Metalloxidclustern als Modelle für feste Katalysatoren
GDCh-Kolloquium, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Fachbereich Chemie, 17. 11. 2015. - How do we know where the atoms are?
Symposium "Chemistry: The Central Science", Jerusalem, Israel, 10. 11. 2015. - Molecule-Surface Interactions in Zeolite Catalysis
GDCh-Kolloquium, Fakultät für Chemie und Mineralogie, Universität Leipzig, 05. 11. 2015. - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule-surface interactions
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Department, Oxford University, UK, 29. 10. 2015. - Chemistry research behind the wall - and after its fall
Oxford University German Society, Oxford, UK, 28. 10. 2015. - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule-surface interactions
CCSS Ipatieff seminar, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA, 08. 10. 2015. - Different C-H Bond Activation Mechanisms on Solid Oxide Catalysts
Catalysis Club of Chicago, Chicago, USA, 05. 10. 2015. - Molecule-surface interactions: Vibrational properties and accurate free energies
CP-workshop, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Schloss Ringberg, 23. 09. 2015. - Structure and reactivity of two-dimensional zeolites
Workshop on Layered Materials, Trest, Czech Republic, 17. 09. 2015. - Ab initio free energy predictions with chemical accuracy for molecule-surface interactions
Conference on Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Catania, Italy, 14. 09. 2015. - Ab initio free energy predictions for gas adsorption and separation in nanoporous materials
Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation (FOMMS) conference 2015, Portland, USA, 16. 07. 2015. - Microporous catalysts
Royal Society Discussion Meeting "Catalysis improving society", London, UK, 09. 06. 2015. - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule - surface interactions
Symposium of the Theoretical Chemistry Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 31. 05. 2015. - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule - surface interactions
Annual Symposium, Lise Meitner Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 03. 05. 2015. - C-H bond activation by transition metal oxides. Atomistic understanding of support effect
Rideal 2015 Conference, Berlin, 26. 03. 2015. - Support effect in oxide catalysis: Methanol oxidation on vanadia/ceria compared to vanadia/silica
Surface Chemistry and Catalysis on Oxides, 249th ACS Meeting, Denver USA, 23. 03. 2015 - Ab initio Simulation of Adsorption Isotherms for Gases and Gas Mixtures in Porous Media
Design of Materials and Chemical Processes, 249th ACS Meeting, Denver, USA, 22. 03. 2015 - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule-surface interactions
Seminar, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, 19. 03. 2015. - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule-surface interactions
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 17. 02. 2015. - Storage and Activation of Methane - Atomistic Understanding from Accurate ab Inito Energies
International Symposium on Catalytic Carbon and Hydrogen Management (ISCCHM), KAUST Catalysis Center, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, 02. 02. 2015. - Design of nanoporous materials for storage and separation of energy related small molecules: Ab initio prediction of isotherms
3rd International Symposium on Chemistry for Energy Conversion and Storage (ChemEner2015), Berlin, 20. 01. 2015.
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- Storage and Activation of Methane - Atomistic Understanding from Accurate ab Inito Energies
CRC Symposium, Stockholm, 30. – 31. 10. 2014. - Molecule Surface Interactions in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Münchner Chemische Gesellschaft, TU München, 28. 10. 2014. - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for large systems
WATOC conference, Santiago de Chile, 05. - 10. 10. 2014. - Oxygen defects and the reactivity of ceria
CP-Workshop, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Schloss Ringberg, 18. 09. 2014 - Atomistic Understanding of Catalytic C-H Bond Activation - Oxidative Coupling of Methane
Seminar at the Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 16. 09. 2014. - Atomistic Understanding of Catalytic C-H Bond Activation - Oxidative Coupling of Methane
Tri-State Catalysis Society Symposium, Louisville, USA, 15. 09. 2014. - C-H bond activation on solid oxides - mechanisms and catalysts
Workshop “From the Chemical Bond to the Chemical Plant. Computation and Material Challendes in gas conversion technologies”, Bangalore, Indien, 27. 08. 2014. - Chemical Accuracy for Molecule-Surface Interactions: Ab Initio Energies and Entropies
Frontiers in Catalysis and Engineering Sciences Seminar, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, USA, 15. 08. 2014. - Twenty-five years of TURBO research on catalysts and catalysis
Festkolloquium: 25 Jahre Turbomole (1989 – 2014), KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, 25. 07. 2014. - Oxygen defects and the reactivity of ceria
Workshop "Cerium Dioxide in Catalysis", Udine, Italy, 11. - 14. 07. 2014. - Ab initio free energy calculations with chemical accuracy for molecule - surface interactions
6th Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials Conference 2014, Kudowa Zdrój, 29. 06. – 03. 07. 2014. - Structure and reactivity of metal oxide clusters compared to solid catalysts
Bunsen-Diskussionstagung, Ulm, 07. – 09. 04. 2014. - Adsorption and Activation of Small Molecules on MgO surfaces
Department of Chemistry IFM, University of Torino, 06. 03. 2014. - Adsorption and Activation of Small Molecules on MgO surfaces
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Milan-Bicocca, 04. 03. 2014. - Die Notwendigkeit von Höchstleistungsrechnern zur Lösung chemischer Probleme: Erfolge in der Katalyseforschung
Wissenschaftliches Programm, Feierliche Einweihung des Hochleistungsrechnersystems „HLRN-III“, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 16. 01. 2014.
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- Activation of CH4, O2, CO on MgO Surfaces
Winter Event, UK Catalysis HUB, Abington, UK, 11. 12. 2013. - Atomistic Understanding of Molecule-Surface Interactions
Humboldt-Kolleg “Research-Excellence”, Sofia, Bulgarien, 06. 12. 2013. - Zeolites structures and their catalytic activity – quantum chemistry in concert with experiments
Department of Chemistry, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgarien, 04. 12. 2013. - C-H bond activation by solid oxides – mechanisms and catalysts
PIRE-ECCI Seminar, University of California, Santa Barbara (USA), 28. 10. 2013. - Oxygen defects and the properties of oxides
CECAM Workshop „Functional Oxides“, Bremen, 16. 10. 2013. - Density functional theory and beyond – What can we learn for reactions of solid surfaces with water?
SPP Solar Fuels Summer School, Ellwangen, 09. 10. 2013. - C-H bond activation by solid oxides – mechanisms and catalysts
Special lecture, 2013 TCO Invitational Lecture Series, UOP, Chicago (USA), 04. 10. 2013. - Activation of O2, CO and CH4 on Defective MgO Surfaces
CP-Abteilungsworkshop, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Hasenwinkel, 26. 09. 2013. - How do we know where the atoms are?
Miller Institute Luncheon Lectures, University of California, Berkeley (USA), 17. 09. 2013. - Chemical Accuracy for Molecule-Surface Interactions
Head-Gordon Group Seminar, University of California, Berkeley (USA), 13. 09. 2013. - Structure and reactivity of metal oxide clusters – quantum chemistry in concert with experiments
Physical Chemistry Seminar, University of California, Berkeley (USA), 03. 09. 2013. - Chemical Accuracy for Molecule-Surface Interactions
Workshop „Intermolecular Interactions: New Challenges for ab initio Theory”, Telluride (USA), 17. 07. 2013. - C-H bond activation by solid oxides mechanisms and catalysts
Keynote-Lecture, 7th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, Saint Louis (USA), 10. 06. 2013. - Activation of O2, CO and CH4 on Defective MgO Surfaces
Keynote-Lecture, 23rd North American Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society, Louisville (USA), 06. 06. 2013. - Quantum-mechanical modeling - Insight into the atomic details of chemical systems
Humboldt-Conference “Chemistry and Life”, Poltava (Ukraine), 17. 05. 2013. - Stability and migration barriers of small vanadium oxide clusters on the CeO2(111) surface studied by density functional theory
Faraday Discussion 162, Berlin, 11. 04. 2013. - Atomistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis: C-H bond activation
Konferenz „Technologie für die Zukunft“, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, 21. 03. 2013. - Storage and activation of hydrocarbons - ab initio approach
Joint Meeting of UniCat and Northwestern University (Evanston, USA), Freie Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, 18. 03. 2013. - Atomistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis - C-H bond activation
Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Tarragona (Spanien), 15. 03. 2013. - Storage and activation of methane - ab initio approach
Institut für Polymerforschung Helmholtz-Zentrum, Institutionskolloquium, Teltow, 27. 02. 2013. - Towards Chemical Accuracy for Molecule-Surface Interactions
53rd Sanibel Meeting, St. Simons‘ Island, GA, 17. 02. 2013. - Storage and activation of methane – ab initio approach
University of Georgia, Athens, Coulson-Lecture, 15. 02. 2013. - Atomare Strukturen von Metalloxiden niedriger Dimension – "intelligent design" oder Evolution?
TU Ilmenau, Kolloquium Chemie/Physik, 29. 01. 2013.
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- Storage and activation of methane – ab initio approach, Seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, 16. 11. 2012.
- Atomistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis - C-H bond activation
German-Russian Scientific Symposium "Chemistry Shaping the Future", Moskau, 08. 11. 2012. - Atomistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis by oxides - quantum chemistry in concert with experiment
GDCh-Kolloquium Universität Siegen, 23. 10. 2012. - C-H Bond Activation by Solid Oxides - Mechanisms and Catalyst Activity
Workshop, Department of Chemical Physics, Fritz-Haber-Institut, Groß-Dölln, 21. 09. 2012. - Selective oxidation by solid oxids - mechanisms and catalysts
Conference "Catalysis in Organic Synthesis" 2012, Moskau, 18. 09. 2012. - Molecule surface interaction energies with chemical accuracy: Hybrid QM:QM Calculations
5-th MDMM Conference, Wroclaw, 12. 09. 2012. - Selective oxidation by solid oxides - mechanisms and catalysts, Keynote Lecture,
15th International Catalysis Conference, München, 04. 07. 2012. - Towards Predictions of Energies and Free Energies for Molecule-Surface interactions with Chemical Accuracy
ICTAC 14, Vlissingen, Netherlands, 26. 06. 2012. - Storage and activation of methane – ab initio approach
Donostia International Physics Center, San Seban"stian, 22. 05. 2012. - Ab inito predictions of adsorption of small energy-relavant molecules in nanoporous materials
German-Russian Conference on Fundamentals and Applications of Nanoscience, Freie Universität Berlin, 19. 05. 2012. - Atomistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis by oxides - quantum chemistry in concert with experiment
Heilbronner-Hückel-Lecture, Lausanne, 20. 04. 2012. - C-H bond activation by metal oxides in the gas phase and on solid surfaces
Heilbronner-Hückel-Lecture, Fribourg, 19. 04. 2012. - Zeolites and their catalytic activity - quantum chemical results
Heilbronner-Hückel-Lecture, Basel, 18. 04. 2012. - Storage and activation of methane - ab initio approach
Heilbronner-Hückel-Lecture, Zürich, 17. 04. 2012. - Ab initio modelling of solid oxid catalysts and catalytic reactions
HPC Workshop, University College London, 29. 03. 2012. - Different types of C-H bond activation by metal oxide catalysts
243rd ACS meeting San Diego, 26. 03. 2012. - C-H bond activation by different types of metal oxide catalysts
44th Annual Polish Colloquium on Catalysis, Cracow, Poland, 14. - 15. 03. 2012. - Atomistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis by metal oxides: C-H bond activation
Paul Ratnasamy Endowment Lecture in Catalysis, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, Indien, 06. 03. 2012. - Atomistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis - Quantum chemistry in concert with experiment
27th Workshop "Novel Materials and superconductors", TU Wien, Universitätssportheim Planneralm, 11. - 18. 02. 2012.
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- Struktur und Reaktivität von Zeolithen - Quantenchemische Untersuchungen
Kolloquium,Institute of Geological Sciences, Free Univeristy Berlin, 01.12. 2011. - Storage and Activation of Methane - Ab initio Approach
Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Symposium on Foundations of Physical Chemistry, Copernicus Center, Warszawa, Poland, 18. - 19. 11.2011. - Quantenmechanische Modellierung - Einblicke in die atomaren Details komplexer chemischer Systeme
Einweihung des Hörsaalgebäudes auf dem Campus Heide-Süd, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 14.10.2011. - Atomistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis - Quantum chemistry in concert with experiment
XIX Mendeleev Congress, Volgograd, Russia, 25. - 30.09.2011. - Binding energies of organic molecules on different types of surfaces
10th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Torun, Poland, 25. - 28.09.2011. - Ab initio prediction of adsorption in metal-organic frameworks - successes and (current) limits together with K. Sillar and A. Mavrantonakis
Nanoporous Materials Genome Center, Minnesota, 20. - 21.09.2011. - Catalytically active metal oxides in different environments. Quantum chemical approach
ISHHC XV - International Symposium on Homogenous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Freie Universität Berlin, 11. - 16.09.2011. - Occupation of Ce-f states in defective CeO2 and mixed CeO2/VO2 gas phase clusters - DFT compared to experiment
Ninth Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists WATOC, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 17. - 22.07.2011. - Defect formation in ceria and its special role as support for selective oxidation catalysts
"Theoretical Modelling of Materials" WATOC Satellite Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 13. - 15.07.2011. - Quantum Chemistry and wave function based methods
DFT and beyond - Hands-on Tutorial Workshop 2011, Berlin, 12. - 21.07.2011. - Quantum Chemistry of Oxides: Clusters, Surfaces, Catalysts
Frontiers in InterfacE Science: Theory and Experiment (FIESTAE) - Wissenschaftliches Geburtstagssymposium Prof. Freund und Prof. Scheffler, Berlin, 29.06. - 01.07.2011. - Defect formation in ceria and its special role as support for selective oxidation catalysts
CECAM Workshop "Understanding Structure and Functions of Reducible Oxide Systems - A Challenge for Theory and Experiment", Zaragoza, Spain, 20. - 23.06.2011. - Ab initio predictions of adsorptions and reactions in metal organic frameworks - successes and limits
Heraeus-Seminar "Energy Materials by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation", Bad Honnef, 08. - 11.05.2011 - The Support effect and the chemical composition and structure space of solid oxide catalysts
Workshop on Material Design in Chemical Compound Space, Los Angeles, USA, 02. - 06.05.2011 - Aktive Zentren und die Reaktivität von Zeolithkatalysatoren
GDCh-Vortrag, Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Bitterfeld-Wolfen, 11.04.2011 - The support effect on vanadia catalysts for selective n"oxidation - DFT compared to experiment
7th Brazilian/German Workshop on Applied Science, Búzios - RJ, Brazil, 03. - 08.04.2011 - Hydrocarbon Synthesis and Conversion by Zeolite Catalysts: Accurate Predictions by Quantum Chemistry
Acid/Base and Zeolite Catalysis, 241st ACS Meeting and Exhibition, Anaheim, USA, 27. - 31.03.2011 - C-H bond activation by different types of metal oxide catalysts
ACS Award for Creative Invention: Symposium in Honor of Jeffery Bricker, 241st ACS Meeting and Exposition, Anaheim, USA, 27. - 31.03.2011 - C-H Bond Activation by Oxides
Symposium on Size Selected Clusters S3C, Davos, Switzerland, 20. - 25.03.2011 - Structure and reactivity of metal oxides: gas phase, clusters, thin films, single crystals and supported catalysts
Joint International Symposium of CRC 546 and the Cluster of Excellence UniCat "Activation of Small Molecules - Gas Phase Clusters, Molecular Catalysts, Enzymes and Solid Materials", Erkner, 20.02. – 23.02.2011
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- Structure and Reactivity of Oxides: Comparison of nanoclusters and bulk materials
First German-Russian symposium on nanomaterials - New horizons, Moskau, Russia, 01.11. – 03.11.2010 - Understanding the Reactivity of Zeolite Catalysts - Quantum Chemistry and Experiments in Concert
The Lawrence J. Schaad Lectureship in Theoretical Chemistry, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, 23.09.2010 - n" Ab initio prediction of hydrogen storage in microporous materials
XII Brijuni Conference "Sustainable energy sources", Brijuni Island, Croatia, 30.08. – 03.09.2010 - Li/MgO as Catalyst for Oxidation Coupling of Methane - What Makes It Work?
UniCat-NWU Annual Scientific Meeting, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA, 19.08. – 20.08.2010 - Zeolites and metal-organic frameworks: Quantum chemical studies on adsorption and catalysis
GDCh-Kolloquium, Stuttgart,15.07.2010 - Chemical accuracy for the adsorption and reaction of organic molecules on oxide surfaces ?
13th International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Catalysis, Matsushima Ichinobo Hotel, Japan, 21. – 25.06.2010 - C-H bond activitation by metal oxide catalysts: energy of hydrogenation as reactivity parameter
Irsee V– Symposium on New Insights into Selective Heterogeneous Oxidation Catalysis, Irsee, 10.– 13.06.2010 - Quantenmechanische Modellierung - Einblicke in die atomaren Details chemischer Systeme
IV. Alumni- und Graduiertentag der Fachgruppe Chemie 2010, Universität Bayreuth, 04.06.2010 - Ab initio prediction of isotherms for adsorption of small molecules in MOF and related materials
CECAM Workshop "Gas separation and gas storage using porous materials", Lausanne, 17. – 19.05.2010 - MP2 results for the adsorption and reaction of organic molecules on oxide surfaces
Conference "First Principles Quantum Chemistry 2010", Bad Herrenalb 14.–17.04.2010. - Structure n"and reactivity of oxids - quantum mechanics and experiments in concert
Conference "Experiments and Modelling in the Science of Polar Materials", Mansfield College, Oxford 12.–14.04.2010. - Towards chemical accuracy for energy profiles in heterogeneous catalysis
Symposium "High-level quantum chemistry meets in Lodz", TU Lodz, 30.03.2010. - Interaction of hydrocarbons with and activation of C-H bonds on oxide surfaces
239th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exhibition, San Francisco, 21.03.2010. - C-H activation by (transition) metal oxides
Second Russian-German Seminar on Catalysis, Kloster Seeon, 15.03.2010. - Selective oxidation of C-H bonds by vanadium oxides-clusters in the gas phase and supported on SiO2 and CeO2
International Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, MPI für Kohlenforschung Mühlheim, 02.03.2010. - Adsorption of H2 and CH4: computational and experimental data
NIS Kolloquium "MOFs: recent results and perspectives", Turin, 11.02.2010. - Untersuchung der Struktur und Reaktivität fester Katalysatoren mit quantenchemischen Methoden
Kolloquium Universität Bremen, 04.02.2010.
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- C-H Activation by Transition Metal Oxides - from Gas Phase Clusters to Supported Catalysts
Computational Chemistry Symposium, Lise Meitner and Fritz Haber n"Minerva Centers, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Jerusalem/Israel, 10.12.2009. - Hybrid MP2:DFT Calculations for Binding and Reaction Steps in Catalysis
International Schulich Mini-Symposium "Frontiers in Computational Chemistry. Bridging Chemistry and Biology", Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa/Israel, 08.12.2009. - Struktur und Reaktivität von Übergangsmetalloxiden: Von Gasphasenclustern zu Festkörperkatalysatoren
GDCh-Kolloquium, Hannover, 26.11.2009. - Transition Metal Oxides - from Gas Phase Clusters to Supported Catalysts
GDCh- Kolloquium, Ulm, 05.11.2009. - C-H Activation by Transition Metal Oxides - from Gas Phase Clusters to Supported Catalysts
GDCh-Kolloquium, Erlangen, 29.10.2009. - Quantenchemische Untersuchungen zur Struktur und Reaktivität von Zeolith-katalysa-toren und Metall-Organischen Gerüstverbindungen (MOF)
GDCh-Kolloquium, Hamburg, 22.10.2009. - Quantenmechanische Modellierung - Einblicke in die atomaren Details chemischer Systeme
Hauptvortrag bei der Jahresversammlung 2009 der Leopoldina, Computer-modelle in der Wissenschaft - zwischen Analyse, Vorhersage und Suggestion, Halle (Saale), 02. – 04.10.2009. - Adsorption and Reaction Steps in Nano-Porous Systems - Accurate Prediction by Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Statistics
3rd International Symposium on Advanced Micro- and Mesoporous Materials, Albena Resort Varna/Bulgarien, 06. – 07.09.2009. - Heterogeneous Catn"alysis Studien by Hybrid QM:QM and QM:MM Methods
13th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Invited Lecture, Helsinki/Finnland, 22. – 25.06.2009. - Adsorption and Reaction Steps in Nanoporous Systems - Accurate Prediction by Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Statistics
Keynote Lecture, 21st North American Catalysis Society Meeting, San Francisco/USA, 07.06. – 09.06.2009. - Adsorption and Reaction Steps in Nanoporous Systems - Accurate Prediction by Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Statistics
Catalysis from First Principles, Wien/Österreich, 25. – 28.05.2009. - Hybrid MP2:DFT and DFT+Dispersion Calculations for Molecules-Surface Interactions
Kolos-Award-Lecture, Universität Warschau/Polen, 19.05.2009. - Oxides as Catalysts - from Gas Phase Clusters to Solid Materials
Kolos-Award-Lecture, Universität Warschau/Polen, 18.05.2009. - Quantenchemische Untersuchungen zur Struktur und Reaktivität von Zeolith-katalysa-toren und Metall-Organischen Gerüstverbindungen (MOF)
GDCh-Kolloquium, Köln, 12.05.2009. - Ab Initio Prediction of Isotherms for Adsorption of Small Molecules in Metal Organic Frameworks
Invited Speaker, BASF Ludwigshafen, 06.05.2009. - Structure and Reactivity of Metal Oxide Clusters in the Gas Phase - Models for Catalyst
Institutskolloquium, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, 05.05.2009. - Adsorption and Reaction Steps in Nanoporous Systems: Accuratn"e Predictions by Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Statistics
Seminar Theory in Catalysis, ENS Lyon/Frankreich, 27.04.2009. - Computational Studies on Metal Oxides Compared to Experiment: Surfaces, Thin Films, Interfaces
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Surfaces CNRS-ENSCP, École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris/Frankreich, 06.04.2009. - Structure and Reactivity of Supported Transition Metal Oxides
Laboratoire de Reactivite de Surface, Univ. Pierre & Marie Curie Paris/Frankreich, 16.03.2009. - Quantum Mechanical Studies on Transition Metal Oxides - from Gas Phase Clusters to Solid Catalysts
Laboratoire de Chimie Theorique, Univ. Pierre & Marie Curie Paris/Frankreich, 11.03.2009. - Molecule Surface Interactions I and II
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, Mariapfarr/Österreich, 16. – 20.02.2009. - Structure and Reactivity of Oxides: Gas Phase Species, Surfaces, thin Films, Supported Catalysts
International Workshop on Computation in Catalysis, Catalysis Research Center TU München, München, 07. – 09.01.2009.
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- Structure and Reactivity of Transition Metal Oxides: From Gas Phase Clusters to Solid Catalysts
James-Franck Symposium 2008, Jerusalem/Israel, 17.11.2008. - Atomistic Simulations with Quantum Chemistry at the Nano-Scale: Adsorption and Catalytic Reactions in Nanoporousn" Systems
1st NanoThailand Symposium 2008, Bangkok/Thailand, 6.11. – 8.11.2008 - Metal Oxides: Surfaces, Thin Films, Interfaces
IBM Forum Zürich - Research, Industry Solutions Lab (ISL), Zürich/Schweiz, 30. – 31.10.2008. - What did I learn from Rudolf Zahradnik? – Three short stories
Symposium zu Ehren von Rudolf Zahradnik, Prag/Tschechien, 17.10. – 19.10.2008 - Thin Films and Surfaces of Metal Oxides as Supports for Catalytically Active Species: Merits and Limits of DFT
COST-D41 Meeting, Barcelona/Spanien, 16.10. – 17.10.2008. - A Theoretical Perspective on TMI Coordination and Catalysis
Symposium in honour of Prof. R. Schoonheydt, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/Belgien, 30.09. – 01.10.2008. - Accurate Energies of Transition State Structures and Intermediates by Hybrid MP2:DFT and DFT+Disp Calculations
Invited Lecture, WATOC 2008, Sydney/Australien, 14.09. – 19.09.2008. - Structure and Reactivity of Metal Oxides: Gas Phase Clusters Compared to Solid Catalysts
Latsis Symposium "Intramolecular Dynamics, Symmetry and Spectroscopy", ETH Zürich, Zürich/Schweiz, 06.09. – 10.09.2008. - Structure and Reactivity of thin Oxide Films on Metal Substrates
Workshop „Surface and Interfaces Processes at the Molecular Level“, Lucca/Italien, 17.08. – 23.08.2008. - Quantum Mechanical Studies on Transition Metal Oxide and Zeolite Catalysts
Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry V, Jagiellon"nian University, Kraków/Polen, 06.07. – 10.07.2008. - Heterogene Katalyse und aktive Zentren - quantenchemische Beiträge
Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 04.07.2008. - Hydrocarbon Reactions in Zeolites by Hybrid QM/QM and QM/MM Methods
Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials 2008, Wroclaw University of Technology, Piechowice/Polen, 23.06. – 28.06.2008. - Structure and Reactivity of Oxides: Gas Phase Species, Surfaces, Thin Films, Supported Catalysts
5th UC Symposium on Surface Science and its Applications, California NanoSystems Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara/USA, 18.06. – 20.06.2008. - Structure and Reactivity of Supported Transition Metal Oxides
Plenary Lecture, IDECAT Conference "Concepts, Complexity and Diversity in Catalysis", Porquerolles/Frankreich, 31.05. – 5.06.2008. - Accurate Energetics of Transition Structures and Intermediates by Hybrid MP2:DFT and DFT+Disp Calculations
CECAM Workshop "Accurate Energetics of Condensed Matter with Quantum Chemistry", Lyon/Frankreich, 26.05. – 29.05.2008. - Structure and Reactivity of Oxide Clusters and Thin Films in Comparison to Solid Catalysts
Seminar at School of EPS - Chemistry, Heriot- Watt University, Edinburgh/GB, 14.05. – 15.05.2008. - Structure and Reactivity of Vanadium Oxides: Gas Phase Species, Nanoclusters, Supported Catalysts
Plenary Lecture, 6Th International Symposium on Group Five Elements, Poznan/n"PL, 07.05. – 10.05.2008. - Mixed Quantum/Classical Approaches to Chemically Active Nanoporous Systems
Fortschrittsbericht auf der 107. Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikal. Chemie, Saarbrücken, 01.05. – 03.05.2008. - Elementary Steps of Hydrocarbon Reactions in Acidic Zeolites: Progress with Quantum Chemical Modelling
Symposium Zeolite Catalysis for Green Chemistry in Synthesis of Chemicals and Fuels: 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans/USA, 06. – 08.04.2008. - Activation of C-H Bonds by Solid Transition Metal Oxide Catalysts
George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon or Petroleum Chemistry: Symposium in Honour of Israel Wachs, 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans/USA, 06. – 08.04.2008. - Catalytic Synthesis and Conversion of Hydrocarbons - Ab initio Studies of Elementary Steps
UCSB-MPG Workshop, Lake Arrowhead/USA, 20.02.2008. - Elementary Steps of Hydrocarbon Reactions in Zeolites - Progress with Quantum Chemical Modelling
Seminar an der University of Southern California, Chemistry Department, Los Angeles/USA, 19.02.2008. - C-H-Aktivierung durch Metalloxide: Gasphasenspezies, Nanocluster, feste Katalysatoren
GdCh-Kolloquium, Ortsverband Unterfranken, Universität Würzburg, 17.01.2008.
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- Zeolite Modelling: Active Sites in Different Framework Structn"ures and in Different Crystallographic Positions Catalysts
A Symposium to celebrate the 75th birthday of Sir John Meurig Thomas, Fitz-William-College, Cambridge/GB, 14. – 15.12.2007. - Structure and Reactivity of Oxides and Silicates at the Atomic Level - Quantum Chemical Hybrid Approach
NANOCEM workshop, Berlin, 4. – 5.12.2007. - Insight into the Mechanism of C-H Bond Activation by Vanadium Oxide Catalysts from DFT Calculations Compared to Experiments
"From Clusters to Catalysts – Transition Metals and Transition Metal Oxides", Symposium des SFB 546, Erkner, 28. – 31.10.2007. - Treating Dispersion Effects in Extended Systems by Hybrid MP2:DFT Calculations: Hydrocarbons on Catalyst Surfaces
Indo-German Conference "Modelling Chemical and Biological (Re)activity", Hyderabad/Indien, 26. – 29.09.2007. - Structure and Reactivity of Oxide Catalysts
43. Symposium für Theoretische Chemie, Saarbrücken, 16. – 20.09.2007. - Structure and Reactivity of Oxide Clusters and Thin Films in Comparison to Solid Catalysts
Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics (SAMQCP), Torun/Polen, 02. – 06.09.2007. - Treating Dispersion Effects in Extended Systems by Hybrid MP2:DFT Calculations: Organic Substrates on Catalyst Surfaces
12. International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory (DFT), Amsterdam/Niederlande, 26. – 30.08.2007. - Zeolite Modelling - Active Sites in Nanoporous Environment
Conference "Advances in the Chemistryn" and Physics of Complex Materials", University College London, London, 25. – 27.06.2007. - Insight into the Mechanism of C-H Bond Activation by Vanaium Oxide Catalysts from DFT Calculations Compared to Experiments
4. Irsee-Symposium "Selective Oxidation Catalysis", Irsee, 07. – 10.06.2007. - Structure and Reactivity of Oxide Clusters and Thin Films in Comparison to Solid Catalysts
Kolloquium der Physikalischen Chemie, ETH Zürich, Zürich/Schweiz, 22.05.2007. - C-H-Aktivierung durch Übergangsmetalloxide: Gasphasenspezies, Nanocluster, feste Katalysatoren
GDCh-Kolloquium, Ortsverband Bielefeld, 03.05.2007. - Structure and Reactivity of Solid Catalysts - Quantum Chemical Approach
Cardiff Easter Conference, Cardiff/GB, 02./03.04.2007. - Structure and Reactivity of Transition Metal Oxides: From Gas Phase Clusters to Solid Catalysts
Symposium on Size Selected Clusters, Brand/Österreich, 12. – 16.03.2007. - Structure and Reactivity of Oxide Catalysts at the Nanoscale - Quantum Chemical Approach
Thomas Young Centre, University College London, London/GB, 02.02.2007.
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- Structure and Reactivity of Solid Catalysts - Quantum Chemical Approach
National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC), Bangkok/Thailand, 20.11.2006. - Hybrid QM/MM and Qn"M/QM Calculations on Zeolite and Supported Oxide Catalysts
1. Innovative Modeling Technology Consortium Meeting and Seminar, Scienomics, Paris/Frankreich, 06. – 07.11.2006. - Structure and Reactivity of Metal Oxides: Small Gas Phase Species, Nanoclusters, Solid Catalysts
International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE), Chania (Kreta)/Griechenland, 27.10. – 01.11.2006. - Treating Dispersion Effects in Extended Systems by Hybrid MP2: DFT Calculations: Hydrocarbons on Catalyst Surfaces
Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (CESTC), Zakopane/Polen, 24. – 27.09.2006. - Treating Dispersion Effects in Extended Systems by Hybrid MP2:DFT Calculations: Hydrocarbons on Catalyst Surfaces
Workshop "Modelling and Design of Molecular Materials", University of Technology, Wroclaw/Polen, 10. – 15.09.2006. - Treating Dispersion Effects in Extended Systems by Hybrid MP2:DFT Calculations: Protonation of Hydrocarbons in Zeolites
Workshop "Catalysis from First Principles", Lyon, 11. – 14.09.2006. - Structure and Reactivity of Solid Catalysts - Quantum Chemical Approach
5th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science & Technology (TOCAT5), Tokio/Japan, 23. – 28.07.2006. - Treating Dispersion Effects in Extended Systems by Hybrid MP2:DFT Calculations: Protonation of Hydrocarbons in Zeolites
3rd Humboldt Conference on Computational Chemistry, Varna/Bulgarien, 24. – 28.06.2006. - Structure and Reactivity of Metal On"xides: Small Gas Phase Species, Nanoclusters, Solid Catalysts
GDCh-Kolloquium, Ortsverband Oldenburg, 22.06.2006. - Oxides of Different Shape and Size: Clusters, Thin Films, Solid Catalysts
Inauguration Workshop of MPG-CAS Partner Group "First-Principles Theory of High-Pressure Oxidation Catalysis", Dalian/China, 01. – 03.06.2006. - Structure and Reactivity of Supported Transition Metal Oxide Catalysts – Quantum Chemical Contributions
University College London, 23.05.2006. - Structure and Reactivity of Transition Metal Oxides: From Small Gas Phase Species to Nanoclusters and Solid Catalysts
Satellite Symposium of ICQC2006 "Large Molecular Systems", Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), Okazaki/Japan, 18. – 19.05.2006. - C-H-Aktivierung durch Übergangsmetalloxide: Gasphasenspezies, Nanocluster, feste Katalysatoren
GDCh-Kolloquium, Ortsverband Chemnitz, 27.04.2006. - Structure and Reactivity of Transition Metal Oxides: From Gas Phase Clusters to Solid Catalysts
Seminar der Abteilung Molekülphysik, Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin-Dahlem, 31.03.2006. - Structure and Reactivity of Solid Catalysts - Quantum Chemical Contributions
Netherlands’ Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (NCCC-VII), Noordwijkerhout/NL, 06. – 08.03.2006. - Structure and Reactivity of Transition-Metal Oxides: From Small Gas Phase Species to Nanoclusters and Solid Catalysts
2nd Århus Winter Meeting "Modern Trends in Chemistry", Århus/Dänemark, 20.01.2006. n" - Structure and Reactivity of Transition-Metal Oxides: From Small Gas Phase Species to Nanoclusters and Solid Catalysts
Universität Uppsala, Institut für Materialchemie, Uppsala/Schweden, 19.01.2006.
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- Hydrogen Bonds and Proton Transfer in Solid Catalysts and in Gas Phase Clusters
Graduiertenkolleg 788 "Wasserstoffbrücken und Wasserstofftransfer", FU Berlin, 09.11.2005. - Quantenchemische Untersuchungen zur katalytischen Funktion fester Säuren
GDCh – Ortsverband Braunschweig, 31.10.2005. - Computersimulation mit Ab initio-Methoden: Gasphasenspezies, Nanocluster, feste Katalysatoren
Symposium der Dt. Bunsengesellschaft bei GDCH-Jahrestagung, Düsseldorf, 11. – 14.09.2005. - Supported Thin Films and Clusters of Transition Metal Oxides - DFT Calculations on Structure and Reactivity
Workshop der Abt. Chemische Physik des Fritz-Haber-Institutes der MPG "Nanoparticles an Oxide Surfaces", Ringberg, 04. – 09.09.2005. - Protonated Water Clusters in Different Crystalline Environments Compared to the Gas Phase: Quantum Chemical Studies of Structures and Vibrational Spectra
XVIth Conference on Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research, Roskilde/Dänemark, 30.08. – 04.09.2005. - Structure and Reactivity of Transition Metal Oxides: From Small Gas Phase Species to Nanoclusters and Solid Catalysts
SFB 569 "Hierarchischn"e Strukturbildung und Funktion Organisch-Anorganischer Nanosysteme", Universität Ulm, 21.06.2005. - Oxygen Vacancies in Vanadium Oxide Catalysts: Bulk Materials, Thin Films, Clusters
Symposium "Selective Oxidation Catalysis", Irsee, 10./11.06.2005. - Die Schicksale des Atoms - von Ostwald zur modernen Quantenchemie
Wilhelm-Ostwald-Gesellschaft, Großbothen, 04.06.2005. - Structure and Reactivity of Transition-Metal Oxides: From Small Gas Phase Species to Nanoclusters and Solid Catalysts
Scientific Symposia "Science and Art in Europe": Catalysis: Nanotechnology with a Past, Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin, 22. – 24.05.2005. - Computational Studies of Hydrocarbon Reactions in Zeolites: Transition State Shape Selectivity
Workshop "The Active Site: From Catalyst to Reactor", KU Leuven, Brüssel/Belgien, 19./20.05.2005. - Übergangsmetalloxide: Gasphasencluster als Modelle für feste Katalysatoren
GDCh – Ortsverband Kiel, 12.05.2005. - Computational Chemistry: Struktur und Reaktivität fester Katalysatoren
Kolloquium "Computational Chemistry", Rechenzentrum Universität Düsseldorf, 28.04.2005. - Structure and Reactivity of Transition-Metal Oxides: From Small Gas Phase Species to Nanoclusters and Solid Catalysts
International Karlsruhe Nanoscience Workshop "Computational Tools for Molecules, Clusters and Nanostructures" in Honour of Reinhart Ahlrichs, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 23. – 26.01.2005. - Oxidative Den"hydrogenation of Propane and Methanol on Vanadium Oxide Based Catalysts
7th World Congress of the World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists (WATOC-05) "Modelling Structure and Reactivity", Kapstadt/Südafrika, 16. – 21.01.2005. - Supported Vanadium Oxides: Clusters, Films and Bulk Surfaces
4th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX-4), Universität Turin/Italien und Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois/Frankreich, 04.– 08.01.2005.
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